Performance Agent

Sign-up Options
What is the Breakthrough Performance Coaching program?
For $450/month, you will receive 24 coaching calls per year with a hand-picked MAPS Performance Coach.
Performance coaches accept the basic premise that Performance = Potential – Interference.
In Performance Coaching, coaches help their clients identify what might be interfering with their growth. Together, client and coach address those challenges. This opens the client’s mind to different choices. The coach then supports the client, helping them to design a plan. One that allows them to stay in integrity with those new choices.
Frequently Asked Questions
How are Performance Coaches Different?
Our Performance Coaches are experts in their field. Business coaches who have earned Master Practitioner Level Certifications in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). They have been through a variety of credentialed coaching programs such as IPEC, CTI, and CaPP. They have professional and business coaching experience.
Why should I choose Performance Coaching?
Work with a Performance coach to identify blindspots interfering with your growth. Equipped with advanced coaching tools and proven methodologies. The coach and client work together to create change.
Do I qualify for Breakthrough Performance Coaching?
KW Agents qualify for Breakthrough Performance Coaching by having a GCI between $75,000 and $149,000.