Technical Recruiting with the MREA and Playbooks
DigitalLearn how to use Heatseeker to improve conversations and appointments, and understand how to use the MREA models to recruit agents quickly with MAPS Coaches Rich Rector and Jessica Fox...
Learn how to use Heatseeker to improve conversations and appointments, and understand how to use the MREA models to recruit agents quickly with MAPS Coaches Rich Rector and Jessica Fox...
Did you know 34% of all households are rentals? Find and attract investors who want to sell. Provide solutions and advanced strategies with a 1031 exchange and DST's. Hosted by...
Hiring mistakes are costly. Loosing great team members is also extremely costly. The call will cover precise systems to recruit the very best and retain great team members. There are...
Join KW MAPS Coach Jen Davis to discuss how to build trust with your buyers each step of the way. We know consumer confidence is hard won and easily lost....
Profit Camp is designed to assist you in getting real about your Profit! We will dig into having intentionality around Profit, what your Profit is for, how to run a...
Struggling to find rental properties with good cash flow? MAPS Coach Heidi Fore explains how to find the properties you want through efficient tools, time-saving systems, and the right people.
The 46-Touch Program that helped us build clients for life and sell 400+ homes in the last 12 months. Hosted by MAPS Coach Brendan Bartic!
Join KW MAPS Coaches Kari Wyrsch and Jen Davis to understand the top ways to communicate with your buyers so they feel heard and understood. Collectively, Kari and Jen have...
Explore the just right for right now conversations to unlock BIG opportunities in our ever changing market. Hosted by KW MAPS Coaches Steve Schlueter and Tammi Juengst