Kara Moll
Scott Fitzgerald said “It’s never too late…to be the person you want to be” and Kara Moll is a testament to those words.
After a successful career designing marketing programs for high-profile clients and musical artists, Kara decided that she wanted to make a difference closer to home. Realizing that family, friends and neighbors needed someone they could trust when making their largest financial decisions, Kara embarked on a real estate career quickly rising to the ranks as a top producer. In 2009, Kara recognized that she had taken her career as far as she could and sought out the assistance of a business coach. The result: Kara has built a lean agent team crediting Keller Williams, MAPS and BOLD for her life-altering successes.
In 2012, Kara embarked on a journey to step into the “other side” of coaching and has been privileged to serve as a MAPS BOLD Coach and 1-on-1 Coach. In addition to Coaching agents and leadership, Kara is a BOLD Coach, Head Coach, and Cadre Coach. Her credentials include being a Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, an iPEC Energy Leadership Coach, and EITC Emotional Intelligence Coach, and is currently studying through the Neuro Change Institute.
In addition to coaching, Kara is a KWU Instructor and Facilitator, and teaches the MAPS core course: Language of Sales. She was recently asked to be a featured presenter at Keller Williams Family Reunion in South Africa. Kara is a market center investor in Chicago and is always looking for opportunities to help our company GROW!
A perpetual learner, Kara realized that the quickest road to Mastery was through teaching and as one top producer described her, “Kara’s skill as an instructor is exceeded only by her passion for Keller Williams and its agents.”
Outside of the office, Kara is active in various philanthropic, community and networking events. She likes to golf, travel, all things Disney — especially their customer philosophy — and adores spending quality time with family.