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Jennie Schlipp

Jennie Schlipp joined Keller Williams in 2011 as the Market Center Administrator at the Saint Joseph Market Center, and then transferred to the Kalamazoo Market Center in December 2013. She has several years of experience in financial management and leading several offices within a family owned business. Soon after joining Keller Williams, Jennie quickly found her niche as a MCA with a company that had strong core values. Keller Williams has provided Jennie support and opportunities to grow personally and professionally. Jennie was a part of the KWRI MCAngel Division as a Support Analyst from September 2014 to October 2015 and re-joined the Angel Division in April 2016. She is very passionate about helping associates and MCA’s succeed at a high level. Jennie was approved as a MAPS MCA Mastery Coach in January 2016. In December 2020, Jennie became Junior Head Coach of the MAPS Leadership MCA Mastery Coaches. In March of 2021, Jennie became a Head Coach in MAPS Coaching over Leadership Coaches who focus on Financials, Operations, and Organizational Leadership.

  • 306090

    Market Center Administrator

    This program is created for any MCA or Operational/Financial Leader to create and implement systems to support Agents and Leaders, and help build a…

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